Installations & Live Events

Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago, 2018

Installations for the redesigned Oncology-Hematology department. The director wanted engaging and humorous illustrations of animals having adventures around the seven natural wonders of the world.

Since the illustrations were going to be printed on acrylic panels and back-lit on the walls, we decided to try a stained glass window look, which I have always experienced as engaging and also soothing and calming to some degree. 

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The Elephant and the Whale

a children's play


This image is a 3 x 100 foot painting, a scroll, that was set up on an apparatus (a custom-built bicycle powered by the actors) to move in time to music.  Each illustration on the scroll 'blends' seamlessly with the next to illustrate the song the actors were singing.

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3 Simultaneous Cantastorias!!

A performance art installation for a private event. 

Each table is sectioned into three separate scrolls. Each scroll must be turned by an actor in costume and precisely timed with his neighbors scroll. The scrolls, of course, illustrate the poem being spoken. Enjoy!

Using Format